Alliance of Civilizations kick off
Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser kicks off the 4th UN Alliance of Civilizations forum, held in Doha December 11-13.
One would say there is enough media covering it...
by Ole Chavannes, 11 december 2011

One would say there is enough media covering it...
by Ole Chavannes, 11 december 2011
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the audience: 2500 participants from all over the world to discuss
intercultural cooperation for the next 3 days.
The Doha Centre for Media Freedom launches its new Media Literacy program here, with the Junior Reporters, a team of
9 Qatari youth, asking the forum delegates what this alliance of civilizations is really about. Check out their daily reports.
There are not only several heads of nations present, also lots of fun people.
This is were the event is taking place: the Qatar National Convention Centre. The construction was only finished two weeks ago
- just like the plastic grass in front of it ;-)
Tip: watch the Junior Reports (I edited) under the video tab on this site.