Archbishop Desmond Tutu awarded in The Hague today the Children's Peace Prize 2008 award to Mayra, a 17-year-old girl who grew up in a Rio de Janeiro favela. Gunfire often prevented children from attending school, sometimes for months at a time. Mayra organised a protest march for school children > article / video
Yesterday we went to see such a project in favela Vidigal.

by Ole Chavannes, 04 december 2008
Boys and girls (around 6) rehearsing a scene from their new play. We were invited to watch in a corner the training
for the children of Nos do Morro - it has a 'Fame school' feel to it: children really practice hard to maybe one day
become a famous Brazilian (telenovella/movie) actor. Some already are...
The group of adolescents acting in a play about 'water'.
In the incredible movie 'City of God' (2002) several children from this project are acting: wikilink / trailer.
It is that close to Copacabana ...Read more about the project: Nos do Morro
Meeting the organisation of this multimedia theater project - on the left my Free Voice colleague Dessi.
Tomorrow the long week in Brazil is over. I really hope to see these theater children perform again. Muito obrigado Rio!