In a poor area of Depok (South Jakarta) many families make a living by collecting garbage.
This girl shows us around in her kampung / neighbourhood.
by Ole Chavannes, 15 maart 2009
She works with her brother and her parents every day on the garbage hills, digging for plastic bottles and old lamps.
They sell it for recycling. Her mother tells us the prices went strongly down, due to the 'krismon dunia' / global financial crisis.
Just a block away we are invited in the backyard of a private house: about 25 kids enjoy a drawing class and sing songs together.
Meet 'Komunitas Bejalar (Learn Community) Pondok Anak Pertiwi': an informal school that started in 2007 and
educates now about a 100 children.
It's run by parents and teachers, who voluntary provide professional lessons in a creative way. For all boys and girls
from 6 to 12, to enjoy quality education that's non political nor religion based.
Math, Music, Indonesian and English; it's all there, a couple of hours a day and constantly in contact with the parents.
Who are also offered several workshops about health and education, but also teaching Batik/textile painting.
Selling these Batiks creates some extra income. Yes, we bought a bunch :-)
Pondok Anak Pertiwi is a junior high school, tailor made for the kampung, but not for free. Parents have to pay
10.000 rupiah (60 euro cents) a month to show their serious commitment.
From the money the children get meals and school materials, but understandably it is all very low budget. The project received
some donations, but hasn't found a regular funding, that could cover some teachers salaries.
The Indonesian ministry of Education recently awarded this initiative with the recognition of it's curriculum.
The certificate the slum kids obtain after finishing this 'backyard school', is the official paper to continue formal high school.
Pondok Anak Pertiwi requested for some help from Anak Wayang Nederland, a small Dutch foundation that supports
Indonesian children's projects, in which I'm also a board member :-)
Pondok Anak Pertiwi can soon obtain new instruments (keyboard, little drums, cangklong etc for music class)
and two desktops + internet for a year, budgeted at 2000 euro. We discussed the project proposal already during
our last board meeting, so after seeing how they do it, we signed for the project!
Anak Wayang Nederland is proud to support 'Komunitas Belajar Pondok Anak Pertiwi' (PAPI) with money,
raised by scholars from the Griftland College in my own old village Soest.
Suggestions/questions: info@anakwayang.nl or visit our site anakwayang.nl