Impressions from Indonesia's capital - a city with 12 million souls.
by Ole Chavannes, 14 maart 2009
Election time
Nobody knows what the upcoming elections for the parlement at April 9th will bring. This year 38 parties are registered.
The PDI-P party (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia headed by former president Megawati Putri) was expected to become
the biggest one, but recent polls show that most voters haven't decided yet. On July 8th the presidential elections will follow.
Sidewalk kitchen
Hello misterrr!
Ronald, chief of the Dutch NOS Kids News, in the middle of a market area in Jakarta.
Street news
Indonesia has one of the most vibrant media landscapes in the region - since Suharto is gone.
Check here the amount of newspapers.
Local rain
Jakarta's traffic is most of the time not moving during the rainy season (until April), due to local flooding.
Safety last
Most people wear motor helmets on their bikes, but seldom provide their kids with head protection. Does anybody know why?
Perut dinggin
Ice cream in the slum - he said: "Baik untuk perut dinggin" / "good for a cold stomach!"