Paddo DIY
Part II of the Do-It-Yourself weekend with friends and family, reconstructing and restyling my parents old summer house in
the forest, the Paddestoel / Mushroom.

by Ole Chavannes, 23 maart 2009
Part II of the Do-It-Yourself weekend with friends and family, reconstructing and restyling my parents old summer house in
the forest, the Paddestoel / Mushroom.

by Ole Chavannes, 23 maart 2009
Saturday we did the last bits of painting: the toilet, the doors, some walls, the ceiling and the floor upstairs...
Sunday is the click-floor-day, with Putih's brother Lucien and brother-in-law Robert.
Meet the floor professionals: Lucien and Robert
..but not always agree...
Everything went so well this weekend! Hylke, Bram, Liz, Lu, Rob and Putih: many many thanks!
Click here for more pictures in a slideshow.