Willkommen in Deutschland :-)
by Ole Chavannes, 30 maart 2009
With Ronald and Jochem from the Dutch youth news NOS Jeugdjournaal, visiting the yearly YNE Summit (Youth News
Exchange -the European youth news programs), this year hosted by ZDF's Logo in the beautiful old city of Mainz.
Youth news program leaders / editors in chief from England, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Turkey, the Netherlands,
Wallonia and Flanders discussed current developments, like how to report understandably for children on the financial crises.
That is a Mainzer wurst.
Early spring hills in the South of Germany > where?.
In the 'Eberbach Abbey' monastery the movie 'The Name of the Rose' was recorded, at least all the interior scenes
(the outside shots were made in Italy - that one burns down in the end). Screenshot from the movie in the same hall:
(click the pic for a clip) or check the 360 C view tour.
Only for dogs with a Hundehalterhaftpflichtversicherung (scrabble!).
New on chavannes.nl: some 'golden oldies' uploaded to 'Photo' -click a pic for the slideshow.