Anak Wayang charity diner

Compilation of the performance by 'De drie Indische Tantes' or 'The three Indies Aunts' (from the Dutch East Indies culture).
Last Saturday night we hosted with our small foundation Anak Wayang Nederland our yearly fund raising diner.
We collected 2.723 euro for creative kids projects in Indonesia! Everybody who supported AWN, terima kasih!
by Ole Chavannes, 26 mei 2009


Willeke and Bram walking the nasi tumpeng to the diner hall.

The night was not only filled with plates full of delicious Indonesian food, but also with theater, poetry and live music.


Typical old 'Indo' ladies award the man with the most 'Indo' quiz questions right
(on the right my brother in law Lu and sister in law Renee).


Diner with 75 guests in the 'Refter hall', a part of Utrecht's Central Museum, built in the 15th century. (blue shirt; my father in law)


Rufus trying to get his self made 'kaki lima' together (model based on this Indonesian mobile restaurant, called 'five footer').


Someone is missing out on some really delicious Indonesian nasi campuran...

Cheers everybody who helped it to be such a great evening! More info and pics on .

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