Training kids news journalists in Mozambique

Angel Phiri (right), executive producer from MUVI TV's Z Kids News (Zambia) does a role play to show the specific kids
news interview techniques: always on your knees. SOICO TV, the most popular channel in Mozambique,
will get its own kids news. This week we have the kick off: the first introduction to the concept.
by Ole Chavannes, 07 oktober 2009

Angel Phiri (right), executive producer from MUVI TV's Z Kids News (Zambia) does a role play to show the specific kids
news interview techniques: always on your knees. SOICO TV, the most popular channel in Mozambique,
will get its own kids news. This week we have the kick off: the first introduction to the concept.
by Ole Chavannes, 07 oktober 2009
The team in Mozambique, with trainers from the Dutch (NOS), South African (SABC) and Zambian (MUVI) kids news.
We even made it to the news -recorded during lunch in the centre of Maputo.