It doesn't get higher than this: with over 828 meters high with more than 160 stories, the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, the tallest free-standing structure with the highest number of stories and the highest restaurant in the world (with not very high serving standards by the way).
Enjoy some other impressions from Dubai, where we were for a long weekend end February.
by Ole Chavannes, 28 februari 2012
Dubai nationalities: 42% Indian, 17% Emirati, 13% Pakistani, 8% Bangladeshi, 3% Filipino, 2% Sri Lankan, 1% European,
14% other countries (source).
In the middle of the gigantic 'Dubai Mall' is an incredible aquarium with huge sharks (2 years ago it started cracking
- according to the NYT's blog) and the 'Underwater Zoo' where we went to enjoy all kind of water life, like this jellyfish.
Dubai is no. 4 of cities with at least 100 completed skyscrapers (150 meter / 40 floors and up), after Hong Kong, Tokyo and
NCY (source). Watch this time-lapse video with the rate of Dubai's growth at 1 frame per year from 2000 through 2011: link.
Personal peak of Dubai was meeting Victor: an old friend from the school days, who works in Shanghai now, but just
happened to be in Dubai too. It is a small small world.