by Ole Chavannes, 20 juli 2013
“Many people don’t wear shoes here. Why?” is one of Loulou's first questions, when we arrive in Yangon, now 2 months ago. “Many people don’t wear shoes, because many people are poor in Burma, they can’t afford shoes”.
She is 3, thus the 'why?'-period started. We need to explain everything she sees and hears and her questions force us to boil down this complex society to understandable bits. A few examples of our talks (her questions are in Dutch, but translated here):
Loulou: “Why are they so poor?”
-”Because the bad leaders of this country stole all the money. But now Burma is getting better. The new leaders promised not to steal anymore”.
Loulou: “Why?”
-”Well, nobody knows really, but we think because they run out of money themselves”.
Walking by one of the many portraits of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Loulou: “Who is that?”
-”She is very famous, because she told the old leaders to stop stealing from the people. Because of that, she was locked up in her own house for many many years. But now she is free and maybe the next leader of this country”.
Loulou: “I want to visit her. I am sure she has lots of toys to play with.”
Loulou: “Why do so many people touch my cheeks?” (they do all the time)
-”Because they think you are so cute, they can’t not stop themselves. There are not so many white girls like you here. Most people have never seen a girl like you”.
Yesterday Loulou suddenly shared her own conclusion: “Many people don’t wear shoes and have dirty clothes, because they are poor. They don’t have money, because the leaders took the money. But Aung San Kyi is now free and will help them. And I can also help. When I wave and smile at them, people are happy!”