by Ole Chavannes, 01 maart 2014
Some background info: today we recorded the 23rd debate, since DVB launched it last June. The program is becoming more popular every week, according to the 'scores' on facebook and youtube (the only measurement we have, since there is no tv rating system here): last week over 40.000 Burmese checked facebook.com/dvb.debate, youtube counted over 10.000. A speaker complained in a local daily about how it was edited; more debate is great.
One challenge we're facing though, is that our speakers on the panel are often old. This has everything to do with the fact Burma is slowly opening up, most powerful people don't want nor dare to openly discuss politics on TV. So when we discuss mismanagement and corruption in some sector of society, often only retired people -who have nothing to loose- agree to join the debate.
According to our facebook data, most 'likes' come from people between 35-44. That's great, but since Burma's population is a young one, we hope to attract more youth too. That's why we produced a 'Youth Voice' episode today, with only Burmese between 15-25, from all over the country.
Personally it was an extra special recording, because I first started working with DVB in 2008, launching the kids news, called 'Youth Voice'. This program is still broadcasted daily and has lots of fans. So I invited Tulip, one of the presenters based in Thailand, to Yangon, to co-host this special youth debate.
On the panel a rural development worker from the 'dry zone' in Middle-Burma, Miss Supranational Myanmar 2013 (on the picture on the right), a former political prisoner and currently student leader and an international trainer, who got the opportunity to study in the USA. The audience includes students, education groups, development workers, graffiti artists and skateboarders.
It was a great debate, which we're editing now. Tomorrow it will be broadcasted on DVB TV and on youtube, on dvbdebate.com. For non-Burmese speakers, there is an English section on the site too.
Next week I'll be going to a ethnic media conference in Shan state and blog about that.